

October 3 - 24, 2015

4 Solo Shows Featuring
Michael Christy
Jeffrey Gillette

Michael Christy’s exhibition entitled Genre Paintings will delve into the surreal worlds he is known for, with bright neon colors and intriguing interactions between real and imagined biospheres and beings.

Jeffrey Gillette, one of Banksy’s Dismaland artists, is showing a group of paintings entitled DREAD, featuring his signature style of beautifully rendered, never-ending slums juxtaposed with contemporary icons and marks.

Phobik’s exhibition entitled Figments and Particles will revolve around his channeled world of The Phobik God using both contemporary and classic painting styles to illuminate his imaginary realm.

Rounding out the four, realfake: UNKNOWN by CANTSTOPGOODBOY will elaborate on his vibrant starburst flair surrounding iconic American images of icons and superheros.